By Gregor Kanitz
Leicht überarbeiteter Vortrag am Graduiertenkolleg Topologie der Technik, TU Darmstadt vom 04.02.15
Englisch foreword
Dangerous Youth
Apart from very few examples like dangerous dares connected to alcohol, little thefts etc “youth” nowadays does not seem really hazardous or risky to mid-European societies. There are discussions about young people spending hours and hours with their mobile-phones or playing computer-games over several days, but only a few would consider this as a threat to society.
This was much different until the 1960s/70s, at least since the 19th century there was a tremendous concern about “wrong” ways of growing up and especially in metropolitan regions juvenile delinquency caused daily troubles and alarms. Continue reading “LECTURE TRANSCRIPTION: Geschichten motorischer Umgebung. Junge Wilde und gefährliche Milieus”