ESSAY: How to manage the Apocalypse?

By Svenja Schüffler (2019)

With regards to content, the recent art works correspond with the essay “How to manage the Apocalypse?“. It will be presented in the current exhibition at Galerie Kuchling, Berlin as part of an artist book. Visitors are also invited to take a copy of it home. Different readings of essay and pictures reflect and inspire each other. Full Essay pdf for Download:


ART PROJECT: How to manage the Apocalypse?

By Svenja Schüffler

Both aesthetically and literarily, the project poses the question: “How to manage?“, and explores whether management in a high-tech civilization significantly fueled by fossil carbon follows this glorifying logic: Safeguarding energy supplies and technology projects takes absolute precedence over the accompanying side effects. Wouldn‘t that mean, that undesired consequences don‘t require prevention but just control, so to speak Management.

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ART PROJECT: Control Room (Kontrollraum)

By Svenja Schüffler
Exhibition Galerie Kuchling, Berlin
11. May -11. July 2019

CONTROL ROOM (School) embodies the delicate concept of delegitimizing traditional institutions within the control room of fear, while simultaneously encouraging the emergence of new institutions focused on preventive measures. The control room functions as a metaphorical ghost train, where a novel alphabet of precaution is crafted through the display, transmission, confrontation, and synthesis of signals, fears, and messages. These themes are explored in the book “CONTROL ROOM School: A New Alphabet of Precaution.” The absence of control and accountability for irreparable consequences calls into question the legitimacy of conventional establishments, spanning not only insurance but also government, science, military, and business, along with their complicit roles.

CONTROL ROOM (Schule) verkörpert das heikle Konzept der Delegitimierung traditioneller Institutionen innerhalb des Kontrollraums der Angst und ermutigt gleichzeitig das Aufkommen neuer Institutionen, die sich auf präventive Maßnahmen konzentrieren. Die Kontrollzentrale fungiert als metaphorische Geisterbahn, in der durch die Darstellung, Übertragung, Konfrontation und Synthese von Signalen, Ängsten und Botschaften ein neuartiges Vorsorgealphabet geschaffen wird. Diese Themen werden im Buch “CONTROLL Room (Schule): Ein neues Vorsorgealphabet” erkundet. Das Fehlen von Kontrolle und Verantwortlichkeit für unabwendbare Folgen stellt die Legitimität herkömmlicher Institutionen in Frage, die nicht nur Versicherungen, sondern auch Regierung, Wissenschaft, Militär und Wirtschaft sowie ihre Mittäterschaft umfassen.